Sunday, March 30, 2014

Theme: How Society Impacts the Individual in "Insurgent" and the "Divergent" Series(Sorry its really long!)

Since it has been quite some time since my last blog post, rather than jump right into the meat of the post I'd like to take a brief moment to reflect on what I have been up to reading-wise lately. During my Spring Break, I found myself with a lot free time on my hands and a lot of gross weather which definitely prompted me to do a lot of reading. After seeing Divergent the day it came out, I was reminded of my love for the book and decided to begin the second book, Insurgent. I could hardly put this book down all of Spring Break, and I found myself reading it whenever possible, whether it be while making myself dinner, in the car, or before bed. I ended up finishing the book in just a few days.This is the most reading I've had the time to do in a while, and I'm glad I was able to get caught up on some reading during Spring Break. I hope everyone else was too! Also, as a side note, if you are looking for something to read, I would DEFINITELY recommend the Divergent series.

But enough rave about the book, I would now like to begin to reflect on my true intentions for this post(as you can see in the title), I would like to discuss how Insurgent showcases how society impacts the individual. If you are unfamiliar with Divergent, some background information will be necessary in order to understand this post. In Divergent, throughout the novel there are five factions who value five different human qualities as the most important quality to possess in life. These five factions work together in life, although they are separated, providing different services based on their beliefs. These factions include: Abnegation(believe in selflessness and are leaders in the government), Amity(believe in happiness and peace and work in agriculture), Candor(believe in honesty and work in law) Dauntless(believe in bravery and provide defense and protection), and Erudite(believe in intelligence and work as researchers, scientists, teachers, etc.). Individuals get to choose which faction they wish to be a part of when they turn 16, and this is the system upon which society has worked for a very long time. The main character Tris, transferred from Abnegation to Dauntless at 16, leaving behind her family for a new way of life. At the beginning of Insurgent, the society is beginning to crumble. Erudite has overthrown the Abnegation government and murdered most of the faction through mind controlling simulations over the Dauntless faction. Now Erudite is "in control" with the help of half of the Dauntless,  half of the Dauntless faction as well as the Candor are against Erudite, and Amity wishes to remain neutral in the Conflict.

Now, giving all of this background information does have a point behind it. Understanding the state in which the society is in is the first step in understanding how it impacts its individuals. Throughout the course of the first two novels, Tris spends time in the heart of each and every one of the factions headquarters. Each time she goes to a new faction, she learns something new and important that she wishes to apply to her life. The society has taught its citizens that they must value and focus on ONE quality in particular and spend all of their time focusing on it and perfecting it. The citizens of the society choose to be content with this system of society for many reasons including that the majority seems to be content with it, and most individuals do not go against the majority. Also, a lot of the citizens feel that the five factions are solely the five personality types that exist, and they feel safe and comfortable and have a sense of belonging in their faction. Continuing these thoughts, there isn't a lot someone could do by themselves to go against the society even if they didn't believe in what it stood for. However, one of the major themes of the story and Tris's discovery through traveling through all of the factions is that all of these qualities are important for an individual to have and apply to their life, as well as many others. Part of her capability to discover this would be her Divergence, or having an aptitude for more than one faction. However, we see multiple times throughout the novel that people make decisions solely based on the majority whether it be due to fear, or naivety, or placing how others see them over their personal beliefs. For instance, we see this example from when Caleb, Tris's brother, betrays her due to his lack of suspicion, "I wouldn't judge him too harshly. Jeanine[leader of Erudite] can be extraordinarily persuasive to those who aren't naturally suspicious." This simple truth could definitely hold true in our society today. Going against the majority can be a scary thing, but it will be unavoidable at some point if you are ever going to get something that you truly want. Unfortunately, as seen in the novel, society often puts ideas in our head that often alter our ideas from what we truly want to what society wants. Society has a huge impact on individuals points of views and minds, and only a select few people such as Tris have the courage to stand up for what they believe in.

I realize the blog was pretty lengthy, and kind of a lot to read and I will try to make them shorter in the future, there was just an unusually large amount of ground to cover considering I was discussing an entire novel. As my link this week I would like to include something that I became particularly interested in over Spring Break, and it has a relationship to the novel and personality types. it is the personality type quiz( you may have already taken something like it if you had ECA) and scientific research states there are more like sixteen personality types rather than the simple five that the society convinces its members to believe. Feel free to take the quiz and read about your personality type through these links(If you already know your type you can read about it on the second link). Explore the websites and have fun with it. Feel free to comment your personality types or ask any questions you have about this blog post in general! I know it was really long and I could definitely see how you could get confused, and I would love to clear anything up for you.

Thanks for reading,

 Personality Quiz

 Info about YOUR personality type(take quiz above first)

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