Monday, April 14, 2014

New Book:Mindy Kaling's"Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?(And Other Concerns)"

(Video Showcases a little of the personality Mindy has throughout the book)

 About two days ago, I could barely tell you who Mindy Kaling was. Now I honestly feel like she's one of my best friends. I stumbled across this book kind of by accident, and ended up putting aside "Allegiant" to read this memoir I stumbled across at Target. It seems kind of lame at first, but I am confident that most females can relate to something in this book. It is basically just a bunch of hilarious stories from Mindy's childhood to now, each one showcasing what lessons came out of them. And did I mentions she's hilarious? She's something that's hard to find: a relatable, down to earth TV star, who is willing to open up about herself to teach lessons to others. She uses so many different comical devices throughout the story including satire, irony, word play found throughout her section titles, and just has a sense of humor about her voice and tone in her writing that makes you laugh out loud as your reading.

There are also a lot of valuable lessons to be learned throughout this book. I'm not quite finished yet, but I would say some of the more valuable lessons I have learned would be about friendship, and how it's better to have a couple of close friends, who can relate to you and you have a lot in common with, than to surround yourself with a lot of friends that you have absolutely nothing in common with and can't really find much interesting to talk about. The friends of the first type will be the friends who support you through everything you do and stay by your side. They will be a large part of your success in life. There is so much more I have learned and laughed about throughout this book, and I definitely, definitely recommend reading it to find out more! You won't regret it!


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