Sunday, May 4, 2014

Research Article Study on the Importance of Spending Time With Your Family

While researching for my Creative non-fiction piece, a found a number of numerous articles which I really enjoyed reading and whose messages I really took to heart, making me desire to spend more time with my family. I have attached links to the three articles I have chosen to compare and contrast at the end of this post. These three articles are called "Importance of Family Time on Kids Mental Health and Adjustment to Life", "The Importance of Family Bonding Time", and "Family Strengths: Time Together". Notice a common theme yet? Anyway, my creative nonfiction project is on the importance of family time in the lives of children and marriages, which is something that is rather lacking in our busy society today. These three articles are very well written, and do an excellent job of moving their audiences to action, and I would love for my creative nonfiction piece to succeed just as well at this.

I love the fact that all three articles open with the importance of family time on everyone in the family and conclude with a list of good ways to incorporate family bonding time into your life. I think this is a really great strategy in moving the audience to action because you give them explicit examples of how to apply the point to their own life. Not to mention the fact that I feel very strongly about the topic that is discussed in these articles. I think it's really interesting that lack of family bonding can hinder the growth and development of a child in every aspect of life. I also completely agree with the fact that family bonding should take primary importance in life because your family will be the people who stick by you your whole life an their love and support will be unconditional, never phony or fake.

Anyway, this is a topic I feel very strongly about, and I highly recommend checking out these articles! Who knows, maybe it will lead you to make a huge difference in your family life that will effect you for the rest of your life.

Article #1
Article #2
Article #3


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