Tuesday, October 8, 2013

New Book: Divergent

As of Sunday, I started a new book, Divergent. I've heard some really great things about this book, and it was recommended by a lot of people. I'm not a huge science fiction fan, but I did enjoy reading Matched by Allie Condie, and heard it was similar to this. I know I recently mentioned that I would have liked to read another Nicholas Sparks novel, and I picked up The Notebook this weekend, but after reading the first couple of pages, I just wasn't feeling another Nicholas Sparks novel right now, after just finishing one. I plan to read The Notebook as soon as I finish Divergent, however.

Moving on from my current situation, I just started Divergent, and so far, it seems to be a fairly interesting novel. I am not far at all, but I have a general idea of what it is going to be about. I can tell that it is going to follow some of the general themes of the majority of the science fiction novels that I have read(The Hunger Games, Matched, The Giver,and The Uglies). For instance, in all of these novels, including Divergent, there is a society that controls everything people do. In all of the novels I have read so far, the main character has been part of some sort of uprising or rebellion against the society. I predict that this will happen in Divergent as well, because I can already sense that the main character is not content with the way she lives in the Society. The thing that is different about this book, is the way that the Society is divided. There are five factions; The Erudites, The Dauntless, The Abnegations, The Candors, and The Amities. What makes this book different, is that the factions are not divided by what people are good and skilled at, but what quality they feel is most important to honor in life. For example, the main character belongs to the Abnegations. The Abnegations believe that being selfless is the most important quality to have. The Dauntless believe that being fearless is the most important quality. Each of them have  their own special quality which they honor. Each child is born into a faction, but when they become adults, they are allowed to choose which faction they wish to be a part of, but if they chose to leave their faction, they must leave their family behind.  I found the whole idea of  the factions to be something  kind of interesting and different . Overall so far. I have a feeling that this is going to be a good book, but  I will keep you posted!
Amazon book reviews

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